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Epocalypse Revisited Part Two: The New Globalism

I promised my two-part Patron Post would lay out how the war and all the global sanctions will likely bring profound shifts to the “world order,” altering and accelerating the path toward globalization and control. I realize that is the opposite of what many are saying; and, as we’re on the leading edge of this, […]


Epocalypse Revisited Part One: Sanctions Will Intensify Shortages, Spread Starvation and Inflate Inflation All Over the World

This article is about how Putin’s War and the most intense global sanctions in history, put in place by the West to engage the battle from the sidelines, will make the scenarios I described in “The Everything Bubble Bust” more busted.


Epocalypse Revisited: The Recurring Nightmare of Economic Collapse

In 2015, I wrote about The Great Recession 2.0 that was coming upon us. I called it “The Epocalypse” to signify an economic apocalypse that would be epic in scale and that would begin a new epoch on earth — a turbulent time of global economic collapse. It described my overarching vision of our journey ahead.


How I Struck Out and Hit a Grand Slam with the Same Swing

This is my 777th post on this blog, although a couple of those are still in draft form. With this post I get to acknowledge something almost impossible. I struck out with my last post and knocked the ball out of the park. It was tempting to pull the post this morning and revise it, […]


The Everything Bubble Bust Pt. 3: The Big Bond Blowup

The stock bubble, the bond bubble (along with its sub-bubble, the zombie corporation bubble), and the housing bubble are all major parts of the economy that central banks directly inflated with their profligate monetary whoring that will all deflate catastrophically when the hot air blown into their love dolls is taken away. These bubbles constitute […]


The Next Recession is Here!

Well, let’s just say the next recession is smoking right outside your window. You’re lying in your bed at night. You can’t see the intruder, and you don’t think he’s in the house yet, but you know he’s there because you can smell his cigarette smoke through your bedroom window.


Stocks and Awe: The Federal Reserve Regime Change is Here!

The Everything Bubble is bursting, and the Fed has barely even begun its war on inflation. Many top stocks are already in their own bear markets. Nvidia, way off its game, has lost 25% of its value from its last high score. The ridiculously skyrocketing Tesla has plunged back toward earth’s gravity on a trajectory […]


How Bad Is the Stock Market Rout Now, and How Bad Will its Collapse Get?

The market’s demolition that I’ve been talking about has begun. Zero Hedge asked the question on Thursday, “How bad is it?” and provides Morgan Stanley’s answer: Just how bad was yesterday’s market rout [Thursday’s]? According to quants at Morgan Stanley, it was worse than every selloff in the past 5 years, including the March 2020 crash…. ZH


Bonds Buckle, Top Stocks Stink

Zero Hedge’s favorite quant from Nomura just laid out his measurements and metrics of the bond market that explain why treasury prices puked on Tuesday, and his assessment of what is happening precisely validates the “Big Reveal” that I made for readers here a few days ago when I opened one of my Patron Posts […]


Protected: Economic Predictions for 2022

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.


The Big Blindspot that Will Bite Bonds and Stocks in the Butt

The Fed finally begun its cautious taper and the market did not immediately self-destruct… but the consequences of 14 years of central bank experimentation, regulatory overkill and the ‘processification’ of markets will have consequences… they may be bleak…. When bond markets sneeze… equity markets can end up on ventilators, dragging confidence down in their wake. Bill […]


Warning Signs of Recession in GDP and Especially its Components

A little virus and a big set of misguided responses to it are sinking the unsinkable world. While third-quarter GDP growth came in a little higher than the Atlanta Fed was predicting, it still came in below the consensus of economists, which averaged at 2.6%. The Bureau of Economic Analysis came out with 2.0%: