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2023 Economic Predictions: The Road Dead Ahead

Since this is a long article packed with my predictions (and some near-predictions, so let’s say “high likelihoods”), you will probably want to read it in sections, which you’ll find cover my ongoing predictions about the following topics: To make it easier to get back to where you left off, I’ve made these targeted links […]


Are “Mad Vlad” and “General Armageddon” Plotting to Nuke the Dam above Kherson?

After weeks of fighting in the Western lands above the city of Kherson, which was Putin’s first and biggest prize at the start of his invasion of Ukraine, the Russian forces are continually beaten back toward the city that was home to 284,000 people. Soon Putin’s loss of the city and the whole region around […]


American Wars, Warmongers and War Criminals v. St. Putin and the Russian Desire for Global Harmony

I want to share the following funny video by Russell Brand, which was in today’s Daily Doom, because it well expresses my overall and longstanding view on America’s endless imperial pursuit of neocon wars around the world in recent decades. Enjoy it before reading on about my views on Putin’s War, because this really is […]