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Response to Putin in Ukraine: We shall batter you with pillows

The following writer says it very well: Western reactions are trivial. Immediately, Washington and the European Union announced sanctions: freezing bank accounts and denying visas for a handful of senior Russian and Crimean leaders….. Battered by feathers and pounded by marshmellows, the afflicted Russians professed vast amusement. Who would have been stupid enough to leave […]


Economic Forecast 2014: Strong Headwinds Face Global Economy

My “Economic Forecast 2014” starts with Russia. The first breezes of coming turbulence are already blowing in on the U.S. as a storm I’ll name “the Russian Rampage” hits Crimea and Russia braces for the the U.S. response. Foreign-owned U.S. bonds held in custody of the Federal Reserve took their largest drop on record last […]