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Proof That Trickle-Down Never Even Dribbled Down

Want to see a crystal-clear picture of who has been helped the most by decades of trickle-down economics, who has gone nowhere and who has actually gone slightly downhill? Well, here you go:


How CHAZ Got CHOPped: Seattle Made Itself a Petri Dish of Polluted Liberal Ideas

Shootings, stabbings, beatings of bystanders, police officers blinded by lasers, thrown bombs, burned vehicles, and the usual plethora of broken windows, stolen merchandise, obstructed traffic and graffiti. These phrases describe many of the so-called “protests.” All illegal. All unconstitutional. Yet, the Democratic mayors of the cities taken over by such conflagration cheer on the people […]


MMT is Here! Start Stacking Money Like Firewood

In the Weimar Republic, children played with stacks of money like building blocks, and people used wheelbarrows to move enough money to buy a small bag of groceries because the German government started printing as much money as it needed for whatever it thought it needed to do. With the Federal Reserve now cranking up […]


ECONOMIC RECOVERY: A Dozen Doses of Real Medicine for Sustainable Economic Recovery

I spend much time criticizing the outlandish economic foolishness I see throughout the global economy and especially in the US economy (because the US economy is the one I am familiar with as a direct participant). Those who criticize need to be able to offer solutions. I have real, sustainable economic recovery ideas, but I […]


Bubble Bubba Isn’t Doing Fine Anymore

Let’s take a look at how the average consumer is doing. I’ll call this typical consumer “Bubba” because I just read an article that claimed “Bubba’s doing better today than at any time since before the Korean War.” It disgusted me because I found it to be such a disingenuous set of lies wrapped in […]


Fighting Socialist Revolution: The real solution is resolution, not war

In my last article, I argued that Socialism is “The Price Capitalism Pays When Greed Goes Unrestrained.” Unrestrained and highly rewarded greed in the US is fueling a revolution by conservatives and liberals with liberals stampeding toward Socialism as their answer under the auspices of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. That fire […]


Socialist Revolution: The Price Capitalism Pays When Greed Goes Unrestrained

Socialism is the price Capitalism pays for unrestrained and unpunished greed, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the new face of Socialism in America. AOC refers to her Socialist revolution — for now wrapped up in the Green New Deal before congress — as the “politics of optimism,” and so it is. That’s because Socialism is the […]


A Week in the Life of a Topsy-Turvy Wildly Whirling World

Let’s review this past devilishly whacky week to see if we can divine the way the world is turning and why the markets are churning. It was 2019’s worst week in stocks and, well, just about everything economic all across this crazily spinning planet. Volatility lifted its head back out of the water like Loch […]