Archive for March, 2022

And I’m kind of glad to see it happen. Having seen the bursting of the bond bubble coming, I stepped out of the way financially (no money in stocks or bond funds) to watch the plunge from the sidelines during what has turned suddenly into an epic plunge in bond prices (rise in yields).

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The Big Bond Blowup: Worst Bust Since Marshall Plan

Posted March 27, 2022 By David Haggith
2017 Economic Forecast is looking like the mother of all storms

This past week was a stormy ride through the badlands of hell for bonds. Government bond prices took their worst cliff-fall since the Marshall Plan. The panic run of bonds over the edge was sparked by the fantasy belief that Russia might be retreating, bringing a rapid end to Putin’s invasion and the opposing sanctions.

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Sometimes weeks happen in a day, and we seem to be living in such times. In my latest Patron Post I laid out how Putin’s War and the sanctions imposed by the West and other nations will cause a tectonic shift in the new world order. It’s already happening.

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Epocalypse Revisited Part Two: The New Globalism

Posted March 22, 2022 By David Haggith
Brussels-Arch now a symbol of the euro crisis

I promised my two-part Patron Post would lay out how the war and all the global sanctions will likely bring profound shifts to the “world order,” altering and accelerating the path toward globalization and control. I realize that is the opposite of what many are saying; and, as we’re on the leading edge of this, […]

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The Daily Doom: Economic News of our Troubled Times

This article is about how Putin’s War and the most intense global sanctions in history, put in place by the West to engage the battle from the sidelines, will make the scenarios I described in “The Everything Bubble Bust” more busted.

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The Daily Doom: Economic News of our Troubled Times

In 2015, I wrote about The Great Recession 2.0 that was coming upon us. I called it “The Epocalypse” to signify an economic apocalypse that would be epic in scale and that would begin a new epoch on earth — a turbulent time of global economic collapse. It described my overarching vision of our journey ahead.

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So the title says. Because some said the article was one of the most complete exposés on the Obama coup in Ukraine, I had to read it. I’ve always believed the US sponsored the coup that overthrew the democratically elected government, so I hoped I had finally found an article that would untangle the web.

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The Big, Bad Biden Oil Bust

Posted March 9, 2022 By David Haggith

I saw an article two days ago asking if the price of oil could go any higher. I had to read the article for only one reason: I couldn’t believe anyone was even asking if oil would keep rising, and I knew it had to be someone so wedded to chart dynamics that he couldn’t […]

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The Fed Did It! Inflationary Collapse was Already Here.

Posted March 6, 2022 By David Haggith

For almost two years (starting in 2020 before you could see any consumer inflation at all), I have faithfully and consistently traced our trajectory toward scorching inflation that would cause a market disaster. Prior to that, inflationary burn-out was not an argument I ever made on this site (unlike some who perennially hyperventilate about hyperinflation).

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The Big-Dollar-Big-Bear Ruble Rumble

Posted March 2, 2022 By David Haggith
The bear is back

The battle between King Dollar and Tsar Ruble is on, and Russia’s efforts to dethrone the dollar have already lost. The ruble has already been knocked off its rickety wicker throne and has had its head kicked in. It’s just that brutal. King Dollar, on the other hand, hasn’t sat so tall in years.

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The Everything Bubble Bust Pt. 4: Housing

Posted March 1, 2022 By David Haggith
A housing market crash in 2018 is where we start 2019

In a world embroiled in what could turn into World War III in which Russian President Vladimir Putin is repeatedly threatening nuclear missile attacks, a return to talking about the collapse of the Everything Bubble, especially the housing part of this collapse, seems mundane.

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