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The Inevitability of Economic Collapse

While I haven’t had the privilege of divine revelation, I do try to look at the forces that are in play that have the power to move nations economically. Two dominant countervailing forces right now are those who have George Soros nearly in tears — who make up the anti-global revolution — and then all the globalists like Soros […]


More Fake News: Media Contrived Photos to Diminish Trump’s Inauguration Crowd

Last week the mainstream media devoted huge resources of time and space to comparing photos of President Obama’s inauguration audience to photos of President Trump’s inauguration audience. Major news media all over the US pushed the subject for an entire week. Their claims that Trump had a comparatively small audience were so exaggerated that the newly elected president’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, […]


A Scotsman’s View of Globalism -or- Or How a Guy with Red Hair Becomes President

The following is a guest editorial from one of The Great Recession Blog‘s faithful readers who prefers to simply go by his pseudonym “Auldenemy.” I wanted to share it here because it offers observations from the UK — the first nation to exit the EU — that closely parallel the immigration issues that fueled Donald Trump’s […]


“Hell Week II: The Revenge” Threatens Unrestrained Election Rejection

Late in 2016, I predicted the week after the election would be hell week as people revolted against the election results, and it was so. First, the mainstream media stared into living rooms in shock and awe as they reported with tear-brimmed eyes that the nation had not voted for the media’s Anointed One. Then city blocks closed down to […]


2017 Stock Market Predictions: Trump Slump in January for Stocks

I begin my 2017 stock market predictions with a recap of last year’s predictions. In an article back in 2015 titled “The Epocalypse: What Will D-Day Look Like?” I predicted the Fed would raise rates on December 16th, 2015, and the US stock market would crash immediately. Counterintuitively, I said it would crash by shooting upward for […]


Obama’s Twilight Moves Against Israel May Foreshadow Move to UN Sec’y Gen

President Obama is systematically diminishing the sovereign powers of the United States president by yielding numerous regulatory powers to the office of UN Secretary General. His latest maneuver to strengthen UN regulation of Israeli settlements may not be the finale of his closing months as president but the prologue to years ahead by pushing his legacy to where he can continue to carry it out […]


Irrational Exuberance in US Stock Market Grasps at 20K for Dow

Since Trump’s election, the US stock market has climbed unstoppably along a remarkably steep path to round off at a teetering height. Is this the irrational exuberance that typically marks the last push before a perilous plunge, or is the market reaching escape velocity from the relentless gravity of the Great Recession?


Trumponomics: Going for a Ride on the Trump Train

I’m afraid the Trump train is headed for a sharp economic curve that takes the US further away from free-market capitalism. The US already pulled out of the free-market station a long time ago, but Trumponomics moves deeply into a “mixed economy,” an economy in which government funding and private funding are married. The bankster-baron confederation in the Trump cabinet is […]


Team Trump (Pt 3): Trunk Loads of Establishment Baggage

Banksters and their pocket politicians, barons of industry and their lickspittle lobbyists — these are the establishment, and these are the navigators that surround the helm as Trump takes the wheel and prepares to cast off. Nothing provides better clues as to where this voyage is headed than the carefully selected expertise of the chosen crew.


Team Trump (Pt. 2): Top of the Crop is a Mixed Bag

The best way to foresee Trump’s real direction once he becomes president is to evaluate the team he’s assembled. Typically, a leader selects people with a strong track record of working in the direction the leader intends to go. This article looks at the trifecta at the top of Trump’s team to see if they embody his promises


Trump: Trojan, Traitor, or Tried and True?

I risked losing my fellow anti-establishment readers in September by suggesting Trump may be an establishment Trojan horse. After seeing Trump choose Pence as VP and a Goldman Sachs exec as campaign finance manager, I was concerned the establishment knew a citizen’s revolt was brewing and made sure that even the road to revolt led back to Rome. […]


The Road to Recovery: Global Epocalypse Inevitable According to Trump’s Chief and World’s Largest Failing Bank

The financial end of the world in economic apocalypse is here. A funny thing happened on the road to recovery: Trump’s chief strategist admitted his view of the Trumpian future looks like the Great Depression. Even the world’s largest bank just said global financial default is the preferable way out and most likely way out of the Great Recession […]