Immigration Economics: Illegal Aliens Are Our Bread and Butter

immigration economics has a huge cultural cost

Have you ever wondered why politicians make some immigration illegal and then turn a blind eye to illegal immigration wherever it is happening … for decades? What about why they talk so much about building walls to keep out the vast hoards, rather than simply arresting the much smaller number of people who hire illegal immigrants? Surely drying up the jobs that are available to illegal immigrants would be much more economical than building a thousand-mile wall. This article on immigration economics will tell you why we make some immigration illegal and then turn a blind eye to it.

Have you also wondered why politicians make it illegal for millions of people to enter the country and then eventually support naturalizing those people who broke the laws these very politicians made? This article will answer that, too.

First, I’ll state that immigration is largely about economics; and by that I do not simply mean that people are coming to the U.S. to gain economic opportunity, though, of course, they are. Nor do I simply mean immigrants are taking jobs away from Americans, though, of course, they are. Nor am I going to talk about the welfare costs that come with migrant workers because those get discussed a lot.

I want to talk about a major economic factor in the immigration issue that is the elephant in the room that no one is talking about, and it’s not just a GOP elephant. Immigration economics has a dark underbelly that neither party will ever bring up. Since immigration reform is one of the major planks of the Republican’s top candidate for the presidency, there is no time like the present to talk about the elephant.


Neither party wants to end illegal immigration nor make all immigration legal


The fact is both parties have created an immigration dance that they love. First, they make immigration illegal, then they both turn a blind eye toward illegal immigration. That, in turn, causes the number of illegal aliens to grow quickly as word travels that “they won’t really do anything about it.” Eventually, a large subculture of illegal immigrants becomes a serious social problem that demands political resolution because citizens of the country start getting worked up over the social conflicts they are feeling and the jobs they see going to illegal immigrants.

The next step of the dance is the tricky one. We saw it happen in Reagan’s day. Both parties compromise in order to fix the problem without fixing it. They fix it by creating amnesty, which they always say is not amnesty because the citizens don’t like amnesty. They don’t fix it in that they promise all the citizens who are angry about illegal immigration they will only let these illegal aliens in the door because turning them away would create a humanitarian crisis since the number has grown so large. Then they will batten the gates much tighter and never let it happen again. Only … they never do batten the gates, and so it happens all over again. Never mind that the number of illegal immigrants only grew to the point of becoming a humanitarian crisis because those same politicians turned a blind eye to illegal immigration for years.

This article will also answer why that illegal immigration cycle continues on a rinse-and-repeat basis. By the end of the article you may think, “Wow, he is really jaded about politicians,” or you might thing, “Wow, that makes total sense from an economic standpoint, and it really, really stinks.” You’d be right either way.

Illegal aliens are our bread and butter, and we eat them for lunch. More particularly, politicians know what side their bread is buttered on. They get paid to provide cheap labor for rich people.

Let’s break immigration economics down to some obvious facts that are completely avoided in the conversation about immigration reform.


The economics of Illegal immigration


The answer to all these questions is really pretty simple:  Illegal immigrants provide the closest thing the U.S. has to a peasant class. It is important that politicians make them illegal so that they will be true peasants (people with no native rights nor any say in the laws that govern them). It’s important that politicians turn a blind eye to them so that we will have peasants here … where we want them. It doesn’t accomplish anything toward creating a class of serfs to do work for the rich if we keep them out of the country. At the same time, if they have rights as citizens (or as legal immigrants), they will not remain serfs. We’ll have a peasant revolt.

The wealthy business owners in the US have wanted a peasant class ever since they could no longer have a slave class. Often, they have lusted for such laborers overseas, and they have gotten politicians into office who made it possible for them to exploit an offshore peasant class with sweat shops.

However, there are many jobs that cannot go overseas. If you’re going to run hotels or restaurants for people traveling in the US or if you’re going to farm land here in the US, that work has to be done here by more expensive American workers. If only we had a resident peasant class to do the work “that American workers don’t want to do” (because it doesn’t pay enough). Hmm. Let’s create one.

The Bush dynasty opened the doors to outsourcing as many jobs to lower-wage workers outside the country as possible in order to help wealthy stock holders amass more wealth, but there wasn’t anything Bush I or Bush II could do about those jobs that have to be done inside the country … such as cleaning hotels and bussing dishes at restaurants or picking tomatoes grown domestically…. or was there?

For those jobs, they needed to insource the outsourcing. In other words, they needed to find ways to get peasant labor into the country. You know, the kind of labor that doesn’t expect health insurance and doesn’t cry about working conditions and most of all, works cheap.

Strong immigration laws make that possible so long as you plan to create them then mostly ignore them. When someone is illegal, they are willing to work without benefits and with fewer rights and for less money because they have to remain under the radar. They are afraid of standing up for their rights. Heck, they hardly have rights to stand up for; but if they did stand up, they’d be deported instantly. (Those are the ones who get to be sent home and made a show of so the p0liticians can convince the citizens that they are trying to uphold the laws and can impress the other peasants with the need to keep their heads low.) You have to continually arrest some and send them back home in order to keep the fear real.

Making some people’s presence in the country illegal while turning a blind eye to their being here assures a peasant class of workers. It’s as simple as that: Illegal immigrants are willing to work at subsistence levels because that is what they come from. They don’t need a wage that makes an American living. They have no say in what the government does to them or with them because, as peasants, they have no vote;  but also because they have to fly under the radar. The fact that they have almost no status in society at all assures they will remain cheap.

As always, if you want to know why things happen, follow the money.

If you think I’m being cynical and that the government is not intentionally letting illegal aliens in to take jobs at low wages, then ask yourself this simple question: What would happen if, instead of trying to arrest and return home millions of illegal aliens (which the government maintains is nearly impossible), the government just started arresting and jailing the thousands of people who have hired them … starting with just the top one-hundred? The jobs would dry up before you even made it through the top one hundred.

That’s what would happen, and you know it. People will hire illegal aliens if there is only a financial penalty if you get caught and if they’re pretty sure the government will keep turning a blind eye to the situation; but start putting those employers in jail, and all employers will quickly be checking the ID and green cards of their migrant workers to make sure they have a legal right to work here.

As soon as the jobs dried up, illegal immigrants who could get no work would find their plight worse here than in their home country, and they would return home of their own free will … unless, of course, you put them on welfare because you’re softhearted, but also softheaded about the costs … and you feel it is the United State’s obligation to save the entire world from poverty and to make your kids and grandkids pay for your benevolence by paying for none of it yourself, but financing the welfare with national debt.

You see, you really don’t have to round up millions of people hiding in bushes. You have to round up only hundreds of big employers whose whereabouts are easily known by their big houses. Notice that does not happen. Not ever. You really don’t have to build a wall either. Notice the wall has been talked about for, at least, thirty years and still isn’t finished. It’s a smoke screen.

Immigration economics goes like this: big business wants cheap labor, and politicians protect their benefactors. The cheapest labor is that which is illegal but knowingly allowed to happen anyway. The justification for turning a blind eye is always, “Americans don’t want these jobs.” If your head is dumber than a turnip and stuck equally deep in the dirt, then you have long accepted that as truth. Actually, it’s just that it sounded reasonable, so you didn’t think it through. If you were dumber than a turnip you wouldn’t be reading this economics blog.

To think it through, ask yourself why Americans don’t want those jobs. Is it because they’re dirty jobs? That’s the party line. And that may be a small part if it, but cleaning hotels isn’t that bad. Washing and bussing dishes isn’t that bad. Picking tomatoes isn’t that bad.

Before you say, “Hold on; it’s bad enough,” let me agree that none of it is desirable work to be sure. I mean, I don’t want to go do it. However, American citizens line up to do a lot worse jobs … such as cleaning out and repairing sewer lines. So, why will an American worker clean out a sewer line but not pick a pretty tomato?

The answer, again, is pretty straight forward when you think it through: the guy who cleans out your sewer line is a plumber, and he makes a whole lot more money per hour to do that work than he could doing those other jobs. If he could make the same amount doing dishes, don’t you think he’d rather be inside cleaning dishes than outside in the mud cleaning sewer pipes? Bending over the tomato plants will also work just as well for sporting that plump plumber derrière.

Americans don’t want certain jobs because wages for those particular jobs have been suppressed for decades by the availability of cheap, illegal immigrant labor. If there had been a ready pool of people willing to take those jobs at bottom wages, then the wages would have had no choice but to rise over the decades to a level that would attract workers. The dishes have to be washed for the grand hotels to stay in business, and there is a wage at which Americans will line up for the job.

That’s just market dynamics, but that wages sink to whatever the lowest common denominator will accept is also just market dynamics.

Now we come to the point where immigration economics really kicks in. The dirty secret is that it is not just the politicians who want the cheap labor and not just big business owners. American citizens want a peasant class, too. That’s why the politicians get away with it.

Americans want cheap tomatoes and cheaper dinners out. (Well, many of them; not all.) We all know that, if the pickers and the dish washers made more money, we’d have to pay more for the food we eat in and more for the food we eat out. We’d have less to spend on video games and larger televisions. That’s also just a market dynamic. You’re going to pay more for a lot of things if illegal aliens don’t do the jobs for less.

So, from the bottom to the top, illegal immigration is all about the economic benefits of having a peasant class to do the dirty work in order to afford all the citizens a little better lifestyle.

But if establishing some people as an illegal class that many citizens turn a blind eye to is something many Americans want, why do politicians eventually always come around to talking about making more immigrants legal when it is making these workers illegal that keeps the peasant labor pool full?


The economics and politics of immigration reform


The rub in all of this is that the peasant class eventually gets large enough to stage a peasant revolt. That’s when the federal government starts to talk once again about amnesty — the politically correct term for which is “immigration reform.”

Naturally, the politicians do all they can to avoid the term “amnesty” because all previous amnesties left a bad taste in Joe and Jolene Citizen’s mouths because the government promised not to let illegals in again and then did so anyway. (And Americans are ambivalent about having a peasant class; they want the cheap tomatoes but they don’t want their own jobs taken, or they feel bad about seeing people work so cheaply, and guilt kicks in.)

In the guilt cycle, we atone for our sins and then go back to repeating them. So, the politicians atone for guilt by granting citizenship to those who have been here awhile and then keep letting lots more illegals in to maintain the peasant worker class. (And Joe and Jolene really don’t think too much about this because they like those cheap tomatoes. If you think about it too much, the guilt kicks in, and it’s hard to enjoy the cheap tomato.)

Sooner or later, however, you have to give that burgeoning peasant class citizenship. What you forgot about when building up the peasant labor pool is that those people also suffer from this thing we call the “human condition.” So, they start to expect citizenship and all the benefits that they see others enjoying because they are tired of seeing everyone else around them have more rights and more money than they do. At first, they were glad to come here just for the economic benefit, but the second generation starts to reach for a higher brass ring.

If you don’t grant a path to citizenship eventually for all your indentured servants, you face a peasant revolt because their sheer numbers give them power. So, the gates finally open under pressure to allow citizenship for the vast bulk of those who are here illegally. And then they shut again, and all eyes turn blind again in order to develop a new peasant class. We are currently at the peasant revolt point where we have to deal with this.

Of course, President Obama has been intimating openly for seven years now that he will open those gates to citizenship for immigrants. Naturally that has attracted hordes of people to migrate to the U.S. illegally in hopes that they will make it through the gates of the city before they close again. This has made the problem grow fast enough that the time for resolving a peasant revolt is happening during Obama’s own shift as president.

Obama knew that it would happen that way. It’s advantageous because, if he can be the one who gets the hordes in the door, they will probably all become good Democrats to bestow their blessed new votes upon him and his. Most good citizen Democrats will support open-door policies toward mass immigration because it is the soft-hearted thing to do. So, Obama won’t find much resistance from his own party.

At the same time, many Republicans in Congress will support it because the revolt is happening. There is no getting around it. Republicans know that even legal immigrants are willing to work for less than native citizens because of the situations they came out of; so it’s good for big business. Still helps keep down the cost of labor, even if not as much as illegal immigration does.

That is why you continually see there is no will on either side of the aisle to do anything real to stop illegal immigration for good. That’s why the Republicans capitulated overnight in granting money for immigration reform without a word … once the last elections were over. The last thing they would want to do is talk about this elephant in the room and expose the real underpinnings of illegal immigration.

At the same time, they created funding for more border security for political cover. That along with all the talk about how difficult it is to arrest and deport millions is all smoke and mirrors to appease the concerns of rank and file Republicans who are tired of being unemployed. You know now that it was smoke and mirrors because you can see that, after a couple of years, talk of immigration reform has done nothing to stem the problem.

The real solution — if everybody wanted one — is obvious, easy and inexpensive; and I already completely covered it in just one sentence: Jail the employers, and the problem goes away on its own. It’s not about bolting the gates at the border. Illegal immigrants are not coming here because they love the culture; they are coming here for economic opportunity because the peasant class here is a lot better off than the peasant class at home. You can’t blame them. I don’t. Bad as the wages and benefits may be, they’re much better than what they had. If I were in their shoes, I might do the same thing to feed my family.

So, that’s how the immigration economics game is played and why Republican politicians are ready to allow amnesty without calling it that while making a lot of noise about spending money to bar the gates. That’s why they’ll continue to turn a blind eye toward the employers who hire illegal aliens.

It would be a simple thing to create a law that awards jail time based on the number of illegal aliens hired and to start auditing companies now. It’s not that hard for auditors to see if all employees have the right proof of citizenship, and it’s not hard, as the person doing the hiring, to make sure that all employees have the right documentation and to prove it with facsimiles. You do need good quality documentation that’s hard to counterfeit, but that’s doable, and no system has to be perfect in order to be much better than what we have.

You won’t hear that talked about by any politician — not even Donald Trump, who is still stuck on the wall.


What is the cost of immigration economics?


The New York Times just published an article about some of the costs of immigration that I find to be far worse than paying more for my tomatoes. Frankly, I’ve been coming across these kinds of articles a lot lately. This one talks about the Islamization of England through attempted control of its public schools by Islamic immigrants. It is stunning how far the English have gone in turning some schools into Muslim cultural institutions.

I read a lot of major European newspapers, and I’ve been seeing this all over Europe for a couple of years. It’s a high social cost.

Articles in The Telegraph, The Guardian, The Daily Mail, The Jerusalem Post, and numerous other major news sites show me a pattern happening in countries that have been too liberal in their immigration policies. Britain, Germany, France, Norway and Sweden, to name a few are all starting to see internal revolt from their native citizens against immigration because certain immigrants truly do not like the culture they are moving into. They seek to turn the country into what they are used to.

I think the resulting homogenization of cultures that happens when immigrants try to turn their new land into their old land is also a great loss of diversity and interest.

Here’s an article on Germany that describes the problem there. Germany has the second-most liberal immigration policy in the world. Guess which nation has the most liberal immigration policy in the world? The U.S.

These social costs of immigration become worse, the faster you bring migrants in and the more you crowd diverse people together. They don’t go away just because you think people shouldn’t react that way to each other. They are a great cost in terms of created conflict.


My own experience of immigration in my neck of the woods


I feel strongly that immigration in the U.S. needs to be slowed way down. Liberals are creating huge culture clashes by not giving people time to get used to each other’s ways, and they’re creating overpopulation and great environmental harm.

I see this happening all around me. The county I live in is experiencing gridlock for the first time in its existence. It has doubled in size in two decades, and most of the population growth has come from immigration. While it is about as far from Latin America as you can get, billboards and signs are now starting to use Spanish with no English translation, but there has also been a huge influx of Russians, Ukrainians, and Indians.

Prior to to the last two decades, population growth and immigration in this county were gradual. Rapid population growth is resulting in tighter and tighter building regulations to avoid the problems of overdevelopment; so how is such immigration good for the people who live here? Why are we better off with more gridlock? (Simple. It sells more real estate, so again it’s all about the money.)

For me it is not about where the people come from, it’s about the sheer number of people. Why do I want them? I wouldn’t want this level of immigration even if they all came from merry old England where my ancestors came from. We have enough people, thanks, and far too few good paying jobs. In fact, the increase in the number of employed immigrants during Obama’s reign almost exactly matches the increase in the number of jobs during Obama’s reign. So, guess where the jobs have gone and why they pay less and why so many American citizens have stepped out of the labor force (because the replacement jobs pay less).

Nevertheless, the group of Latino immigrants is different than all others — much different. Have you noticed television programming is becoming increasingly dominated by Spanish all over the nation. That’s never happened with any other language in this county, and yet this country was made from immigrants from all over the world. All other people accepted the language and culture they moved into and made it their own and became a part of it.

This pressure to Latinize our own culture in order to accommodate is not because the people are different than other immigrants. They’re just as nice as any other group of people. What’s different is the volume. Latin American immigrants provided such a major portion of the carefully engineered peasant population that they don’t have to make those changes. They are a large enough group to demand others change to accommodate them. This is the cost of creating a large peasant population.

Lest anyone mistake me in an oversensitive manner to thinking I’m calling them peasants because they are Latin, I want to place a reminder here that race has nothing to do with it. They are peasants because they are part of an illegal immigrant population made up of all races that exists intentionally to provide cheap labor for the United States. They exist because politicians intentionally turn a blind eye to them but keep them illegal so they have to hold their heads down.

Big businesses love cheap labor. Big real estate developers love population growth. The locals aren’t having babies fast enough, so immigration means a lot more construction of everything and cheap labor to do the construction so the developers make more money all around.

I have seen vast acres of beautiful, fertile agricultural land and entire forested mountainsides in my county turn into housing developments entirely bought up by immigrants. In my area, it has turned a beautiful rural county into a sprawling suburb. It’s certainly not an environmental positive, but Democrats love it, too.


The cultural cost of immigration economics


The current European immigration crisis has become a political inferno because Islamic immigrants try to change the cultures they move into. Just so this discussion is not about Islam, lest people cop an argument that I’m Islamophobic for their own convenience, let’s imagine that it was Jewish mass migration into the United States. In my opinion, if Jews moved to this nation and wanted to speak Hebrew at home and to practise all the rules of Judaism, no one should have a problem with that; but if many Jews moved here and, because they had the power of numbers, insisted that government documents be written in Hebrew, we should all have a major problem with that. If they insisted Torah be fought in public schools we should have a problem with that. If they went further and insisted that Torah law become the law of the land, we should have a very big problem with that.

That, however, has not happened with Jewish immigration, but in some European countries Muslim immigrants are demanding public school classes teach their religion and that government institutes Sharia law. Read the New York Times article above. It will open your eyes about a pattern that is recurring in a number of Western nations.

I certainly would not move to France and expect the French to speak English to me or to write government documents in English for me. Yet, people are moving to France from Islamic nations and demanding that courts start recognizing Sharia or that the country create special courts for Muslims.

Culture clashes like this are unavoidable when immigrants are brought in from one culture in massive numbers. If we do not slow immigration to a level where migrants can assimilate with the culture of the country they are moving into, then we will certainly create more and more internal strife that will begin to boil over.

What may seem like a liberal dose of love toward immigrants will prove to be naiveté about human interactions. You have to allow time for people to adjust to each other. When you force people together as Obama has done (doubling the immigration rate) or as Merkel has done in Germany, you continually spawn greater conflict. People do not adjust to each other just because they are forced to or because someone thinks they should.


One of my problems is that I love different cultures so much


I like to see lots of difference in culture. Viva la difference. I don’t like homogeneity. And that’s why people need to assimilate when they move into a country, rather than try to transform it into something more like their own culture and country.

Each country’s culture has its own beauty, and we are losing that all over the world rapidly due to globalization. People in those cultures are feeling that loss. And it’s not inevitable. It’s something politicians are forcing.

Before you throw the race card at me, you need to know this is written by a guy who thinks interracial children are the most beautiful children on earth, who loves the different looks of different races for all the exotic variety of beauty race gives to this world, who loves accents and who loves to travel and make friends in different nations and who hopes that nations will have distinctive cultures when he travels to them. Since I was a child I was brought up to love all people of all races and to believe that each race is a different kind of flower in God’s flower garden. The world teams with creative diversity, and that’s beautiful.

But I’d like Norway to be Norwegian in culture and England, English and Germany, German and Morocco, Moroccan. I don’t want an homogenized world. I want a world with different nations and cultures that respect each other and get along, and that is not what we are getting with mass migration. We are getting a lot more racial conflict due to people who seem to have an agenda of forcing others together.

I don’t  think crashing people together like neutrons in a particle accelerator is going to create any chemistry other than a great big bang. People who want to migrate to another country should not go with any intention of changing that nation’s culture, which particularly includes language. Go to appreciate and mix with the culture that is there and become a part of it. If you don’t like that culture as it is, just don’t go! Our immigration rules have every right to expect that people come with that goal.

I also don’t think that overpopulation is a good thing. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of immigrants into a state like Florida or California that is, in my opinion, already overpopulated makes no sense. Flooding immigrants into rural areas also makes no sense, as it completely destroys the rural nature of those areas.

I don’t see that we need more people or that we have a duty to take them in. But I DO see that it serves the interest of real estate developers and of businesses that want cheap labor and of politicians that think they can bolster the vote for their party if they give thousands of migrant workers citizenship so they can vote.

What you see in all the fury around Donald Trump’s rallies is the anger that comes from forcing people together in mass finally starting to express itself. And you’re going to see a lot more of it! The cost in civil unrest is going to become quite high as a result of people who think they know how to do good by forcing others together.

The most liberal nations of the world are destroying their own cultures and creating racial and nationalistic strife because many of their citizens value their culture and many of the immigrants do not. In Europe you can see that many Islamic immigrants treat the culture they are moving into with contempt. Violent crime has surged. While some politicians may be advocating rapid immigration out of a sense that they are doing good (acting benevolent toward underprivileged or persecuted people) and others are doing it just to add voters or bring in cheap labor for their Wall Street benefactors, the cost is going to be great.

Just know that what you are seeing on both sides at Trump rallies is just the tip of the flame unless politicians start backing down from forcing immigration in their already overpopulated nations.


Obama Admin. On Pace to Issue One Million Green Cards to Migrants from Majority-Muslim Countries

Obama has issued nearly a million green cards to immigrants from Muslim countries alone. That does not include ANY of the thousands of immigrants who received green cards from Mexico and Central and South America and from Europe. It also does not include any temporary work or study visas. It also does not include any immigrants who have overstayed their visas, intentionally or otherwise. Nor does it include ANY illegal immigrants, the flow of which has increased enormously due to Obama being so outspoken about relaxing immigration enforcement and doing his best to allow as many illegal aliens as possible to remain here, rather than be deported. Is it any wonder that nationwide anger is brewing over this massive expansion in immigration during a period of major economic struggle when American jobs have experienced their slowest recovery ever? And is it any wonder, then, that wages have held flat, given this intensified competition from people who will gladly work for much less?


More reading on immigration economics:


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Illegal immigrant criminals released by Obama Admin committed ten times more crimes after released than Obama Admin admitted to congress


  1. Ping from Auldenemy:

    Another brilliant article David. Your great perception, respect for your fellow man/woman and your superb sense of humour always sets your commentaries apart.

    I can’t speak for Americans when it comes to immigration because I am not an American and sadly have never even been able to visit that amazing country. As a Brit I feel I have more in common with Americans than Europeans (it was after all Brits who first settled in the US and it was the descendants of Brits who bravely fought for US Independence). I find it incredible that in the US there are so many guns and so freely available, at the same time I respect how gun ownership is an integral part of US history. It is not for me to condemn the way another country chooses to live.

    Countries are all different because they all have different histories and their histories and religious traditions matter to their people. That is why the EU is a kind of madness to me. It is a denial of reality, as in it is promoting un controlled immigration as part of its agenda to destroy national identities among its 28 member nations in its attempt to homogenise 500 million people – and growing by millions yearly due to mass immigration – so as to create a superstate full of unquestioning sheep.

    I just read an article by Clive Maud about the gold price and it was another reminder to me that some people only care about money and never question the means of making money. To me the entire EU farce is all about a US,UK,EU banking-political cabal, obsessed with their own wealth and power and as such intent on destroying democracy.

    This was my reply to Clive Maud’s article. I doubt Britain will free itself from the EU because its power is too strong (as in it carries such huge US banking and political interests). I don’t think most people are anti immigration, but they are anti un controlled immigration because it gradually destroys vital infrastructures such as health care, schools and housing.

    It is vile that the murder of a young British MP who was pro staying in Eurocrat Land has resulted in Cameron’s campaign of Fear should we exit, now drawing more support. The terrible act of one crazed lunatic has assisted the powerful elites (from all political parties to banking, big corp. and Luvvie land) who already have had all the big money on their side (Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan pouring money into Cameron’s less than honest pro EU campaign). It is equally vile that those playing the markets use the murder of a mother, and by all accounts honest MP, to make money.

    Yes, gold will no doubt fall when the completely rigged – in favour of the EU – referendum produces the result the USA, UK and EU banking-political cabal want, as in we stay trapped in this corrupt and unaccountable Brussels bureaucratic dictatorship. Personally the loss of my country’s democracy, making Westminster into a devolved power to a Big Brother superstate, is of far more concern to me than where the gold price is headed. Both gold and silver are anyway completely bankster rigged. Everything is now rigged by the One Percenters which is why our once strong Western economies are all heading down the pan. The UK staying in the EU won’t change the fact that its complete mismanagement is destroying Northern European countries as the cost of bailouts to impoverished Southern Europe along with un controlled immigration is causing rising poverty and a systematic breakdown of social cohesion across Europe.

  2. Ping from per sigurd hansen:

    the sad truth,good article.

  3. Ping from Chris P:

    Dave looking forward to a good article on the economy and the lame fed actions. Thanks for your good work.

  4. Ping from Chris P:

    One world Govt.= Tower of Babel

  5. Ping from QEternity:

    Soy norteamericano, pero yo hablo un poco español. Mi esposa entiende un poco también. Y mis dos hijos hablan español mejor de yo.

    Creo que con los números de hispánicos en nuestros país, para hablar español, si solo un poco, es una cosa buena.

    No tengo problemas con un pías donde la gente hablan dos idiomas. En el EU hay muchas personas que hablan 3, 4, 5 o más!

    Creo que la mayoría de le gente aquí entienden pocos del mundo. Ahora el mundo viajan aquí, y en el futuro, si les gustan o no, todos las personas serán hablar inglés y español.

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      I have no problem with people speaking multiple languages. I speak a little Spanglish myself. (Just two years of high-school Spanish, which I took for enjoyment and because it would help when I travelled.)

      My problem is with people wanting NATIONS to speak and publish multiple languages (as in Canada). Very expensive and it creates factions at a much deeper level than you see when people speak the same language. (Look at how the Quebecois are always looking to secede from the rest of Canada.) If we cannot communicate fluidly with each other, I have no hope we’ll live peaceably together.

      I have a problem with people who WON’T learn two languages, but stay with Spanish as their only language and expect their workplace to accommodate them or a problem with workplaces were so many illegal aliens are speaking Spanish that an English-speaking citizen feels isolated in his/her own country. (The nursing home where my sister works is like that. She’s just about the only worker there who doesn’t speak Spanish, so she is never a part of the conversations between workers and feels excluded.)

      I also had a legal laborer at one place I managed who spoke only Spanish and after years of working there, still extremely poor English. It almost always resulted in communication failures and misunderstandings. When he was fired for throwing his supervisor up against the wall, he was still convinced it was because he was Hispanic. I couldn’t have cared less that he was Hispanic, as I have a number of Hispanic friends; but you don’t get to throw your supervisor against the wall over petty things like his not buying a pair of boots for you. And that happened because the two could not communicate at a level where the one could explain why he had not yet ordered the boots. The guy was convinced he didn’t get the boots because he was Hispanic. (Never mind that the two people who pulled him off were Hispanic citizens of the US whom I had given some of the largest pay raises in the company to for their good work because I wanted to keep them on.)

      Those are the kinds of misunderstandings that happen when people refuse to assimilate enough to, at least, learn the language well enough that they can communicate without at translator. (We often had to write things out and translate them into Spanish for him to understand, but I would have been in legal trouble if I fired him over not knowing English, even though it was a major burden to everyone to work around it.) Once he got violent, however, that was the end.

      I have a problem with the notion that we should make special exceptions for Spanish-speaking people that this nation has not made for any other group and that NO OTHER GROUP has ever complained about (at least not that I’ve ever heard).


  6. Ping from Jon Dow:

    Well, I fully agree with you, and it is refreshing to hear that the only way to deal with illegal immigration is locking up those who hire illegals.

    But you do touch on the darkest side of illegal immigration, or migration in general, its long term cultural and social costs, this gets a bit more dicey.

    While there obvious desires for economic benefits, I believe the actual push for open borders both in America and Europe are far more sinister.
    When it comes to world or American politics, you must look past what the politicians say, or the media, but what they do and who benefits.

    When the gang of 8 Senators came out to broker a “bipartisan” deal for amnesty, what did ALL those 8 Senators have in common, one thing and one thing ONLY they were all Zionists. We also know that open borders is a top priority for many Zionist organizations, AEI, AIPAC, JAC…et al, but again why? Well look at Hillary Clinton, her biggest supporters are Latinos. Do they like her “honesty”, her “anti-war” status, maybe her fighting “against Wall Street” for main street, of course I am joking, Clinton is none of those things, but they don’t care, they are ignorant voters who just want their daily bread. they don’t speak our language so are easily duped into the believing anything. We give Israel $18,000,000.00 A DAY, the average American would real at that fact, and a fact the media does not hare often unless need be, and then always framed as necessary. America is a controlled state, divided one against another, in constant binary gridlock, never coming together, never forming consensus that benefits America. Open borders and a growing ignorance class only insures more of such gridlock. We see the same thing in Europe, perpetrated by the same Zionists.

    ONLY ONE nation is deserved of borders, and that is Israel. In America, Trump demands a wall, Zionist Jew media paints him a racist, while they demand money for Israel to build a wall to keep out the indigenous Palestinians.

    We are being played, manipulated, and immigrant are just tools to destroy a Christian nation, by those who hate Christ. I know, sounds a bit “extreme”, but if you read, do your homework, you know I am only scratching the surface.

    John McShame is a true traitor to the American people, they love him in Israel, because he sells out his country at every opportunity. John McShame hate Iran, Syria, and Russia, why, they have done absolutely nothing to garnish such hate from America. But John does not work for America, he would for Israel. Israel hates Russia, well Zionists do, especially Putin, Putin locked up a few Zionist Oligarchs when he went into office and confiscated a few businesses from others. You see Jews moved into scoop up Russian resources when the Soviet Union broke up, much like they did when Germany lost the first World War. As per usual taking advantage of other people’s misfortune. So they hate Putin, Russia’s other great sin (other than sitting on lots of natural resources) is that it is a Orthodox Christian nation. Now idiot America does not understand this, but around the world especially in the Middle east, prior to Israel, Christians and Muslims lived side by side. It is the Jews who have a problem with them, not the other way around. I could write a book about Washington DC, those who run so much of our governemnt have dual citizenship with Israel, NOT Syria, Saudi Arabia, or Iran!

    But I digress, there is a war going on, and on one side you have democracy, freedom, sovereign nations, on the other you have the EU, NATO, The New World Order, just by central banking interests, ie. Zionist Jews (see: George Soros).

    If you want to stop globalization,

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      Welcome to the blog, Jon.

      I don’t see the how the Zionist theme connects with letting in and turning a blind eye to millions of illegal aliens from Latin America. Zionists don’t benefit from destroying America, as America has been their most powerful ally. Israel probably wouldn’t even exit without America’s constant support, so making it weaker doesn’t serve the Zionist cause. It just makes us less able to send those billions of dollars you talk about Israel’s way and less able to battle Israel’s enemies. So, the two ideas that America supports Zionism and that Zionists want to undermine America’s strength don’t reconcile.

      Nor do they benefit (as Zionists) from having lots of peasants in this country. Of course, those who are rich may benefit just as much as all the other rich people who benefit from cheap labor; but that’s a business motivation common to many nationalities. There are a lot more non-Jews and and probably non-Zionists hiring them than there are Jews hiring them. (Take, for example, all those (not all rich) midwestern farmers (good people) named Olsen and Johnson and Smith) who hire them to pick tomatoes (or whatevers).


      • Ping from QEternity:

        There’s a group of anti-Zionists everywhere. The world is a big Zionist conspiracy I tell ya! LOL

        • Ping from Knave_Dave:

          Racism in all of its forms is sad. One misses the opportunity to know so many wonderful people. I’m sitting right now in my library with my niece who is half black, half white. She’s beautiful and talented athletically. Love the mix and love her.

          I also knew a little girl that I “adopted” as a niece who was part Black and part White. She was one of the most beautiful and athletic little girls I had ever known. Amazingly bright and a delight to talk with. At seven years old, I taught her to swim the crawl, the breast stroke, underwater, the backstroke and the butterfly all in one day. By the end of the day she was swimming any of those strokes the full length of the pool. I told her she was going to be an Olympic Swimmer, and her mother told me a couple of days later that her brother was the Olympic swimmer for Zimbabwe.

          This little girl had just lacked a swimming pool to learn in.

    • Ping from per sigurd hansen:

      i agree.

  7. Ping from jkru55:

    Great article

  8. Ping from jkru55:

    I’ve always said if you throw the CEOs in prison you wouldn’t need a wall as well. Another point is if you wouldn’t pass “free” trade agreements like NAFTA that destroys other economies you wouldn’t have mass migration. The most important one is if the US and NATO doesn’t quit invading and regime changing, Europe and soon the US wouldn’t have a mass immigration problem. Regime change is a failed policy because first it’s really not about Democracy it’s about making certain elites richer through resource theft , banks and Wall St. making money through finance and crony capitalism and weapon manufacturers making a “killing”. WWI Major General Smedley D. Butler had it right with his speech “War is a Racket”

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      Geeze, you’re talking about making it an entirely different country ; )

      (I agree with all of that, especially the failed policies of regime change, which have all gone terribly since Vietnam, and we still keep doing it.)

  9. Ping from Craig Mouldey:

    Very good analysis. I will confess without shame I am Islamiphobe! This is not a race. It is a supremacist, totalitarian system. That they are flooding into western countries cannot be an accident. It is being deliberately orchestrated it seems to create maximum strife so government will step in as our saviour and offer us their answer. This is not going to end well.
    I’m like you in this respect. I like other cultures. I don’t like this effort to make white skinned people disappear. Each nation should remain what they are and not become some mongrel breed, for lack of a better expression at the moment.

    • Ping from Jon Dow:

      I could never hate a people that have EVERY RIGHT TO HATE ME! America has killed, controlled, assassinated, bribed, bombed, the peoples of the Middle East for decades, all at the behest of our Zionist masters.

      America had NO enemies in the Middle East before Israel was created.

      There is a war against the West, but Muslims are just pawns. The wars on Iraq, Syria, North Africa…all drive mass immigration of Muslims north. And if you look at American politics, and “American” media/entertainment, they all push for war and destabilization of the Middle East, and why, how does that serve the American people’s interests, the simple answer is it does not serve us, at all.

      It was Israeli PM B. Netanyahu, before the US CONGRESS, the day before the Iraq war began, and demanded America must act to defeat Saddam, or soon he would come for US! Iraq, get America, what a joke, but Israel owns the Congress, and they own the Senate. Israel gets $18,000,000.00 A DAY from the US government, OUR TAX DOLLARS, and for what, they are richer than we per capita. We pay them in cash and in weapons.

      I live park time on the West Coast and the big story was how the US Congress was cutting funding for the Coast Guard emergency helicopter response force. Basically helicopters that would respond to emergencies like fishing ships sinking or men over board. The Congress said they were just responding to “budget cuts”. That same week, the “US” Congress approved a spending bill that would send Israel $225,000,000 to resupply their weapons systems. How much money was saved by cutting helicopter availability, $3,000,000.00. Evidently its more important, many many times over to protect Israel, from retaliation for IT’S AGGRESSION, than it is protecting the safety of America’s fisherman.

      The story above happens everyday in Washington, and we don’t know it because the media is nothing but a tool of the elite.

      I feel so sorry for Muslims, I am sure they would rather not be migrating, and living in their homes, if we had not blown them up!

      I believe in Karma, that is I believe you get what you give, and considering the unimaginable evil we have done, at the behest of our Zionist masters, we are in for some serious retribution, now or in the after life.

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      The people doing it are either oblivious to the strife (and, thus, completely blindsided by the Trump rallies where strife comes from both those who protest the rallies and those who attend) or they want the strife.

      It’s hard to believe people could be so totally oblivious to the tension that would be created in this country by ramping up immigration as Obama has done and even enticing illegal immigration as he HAS to know his words would do. He began talking years ago about not deporting illegal aliens, and he can’t possibly be stupid enough to think that would not entice millions more. If he is, that is incredibly naive on his part.

      While it appears they INTEND to create strife, I cannot see why they would want to create the headache for themselves. The strife, itself, certainly isn’t serving the establishment. It’s causing voters to move away from establishment candidates and flock to non-establishment candidates.

      Given that it’s hard to believe Obama could be dumb enough to be blind to the strife he’s fomenting with mass migration and hard to believe he’d want strife that drives people away from voting for establishment candidates, I have to think the only reason that makes sense is the desire to create a larger pool of cheap labor at the pressure of his supporters.

      Now he’s doing it with Muslims from Syria where we are creating the problem (because we have no national need to save Syria from Assad. He’s their problem until we made it our problem). I don’t think that’s just about cheap labor. That’s about bolstering America’s power in the Middle East, reshaping it our image — either to democratize it or to put its resources more under our control (the neocon goals) and to make a lot of money for rich people selling weaponry, tires, fuel and other war supplies.

      It’s a sick mess of twisted objectives. No solitary answer explains it all. Cheap labor is only part of the mix, but it’s a part of the story that is avoided by both Democrats and Republicans as they server their benefactors. I hear no one talking about how the blind-eye/amnesty cycle toward illegal immigrants deliberately creates and maintains a peasant class. So, I wanted to shove that into the public eye.

      As for those “mongrels,” though, we are almost all al little bit mongrel, and those who are clearly mongrel are some of the most beautiful and talented people I know. It’s amazing how exotically beautiful some of them are. I do like to preserve cultures without homogenizing them, though, as the differences are also beautiful; so, people who don’t want to respect the culture as it is should never be given immigrant status. That certainly means screening out people who hate America. Clearly SOME of the Muslims being let in express a lot of antipathy toward America, so why are letting them in?

      I’m not saying we should ban all Muslim immigration, as that would be discriminating based on religion, but we should not be letting in people we know nothing about from a nation we are at war with, and we should not be allowing any immigrants to stay in the country who are caught stirring up strife against other religions in America or trying to force their religious laws down other people’s throats, etc. Why do we want that strife? It’s ungracious on their part since they were allowed in as guests. So, kick them out.

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