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The Inevitability of Economic Collapse

While I haven’t had the privilege of divine revelation, I do try to look at the forces that are in play that have the power to move nations economically. Two dominant countervailing forces right now are those who have George Soros nearly in tears — who make up the anti-global revolution — and then all the globalists like Soros […]


The Road to Recovery: Global Epocalypse Inevitable According to Trump’s Chief and World’s Largest Failing Bank

The financial end of the world in economic apocalypse is here. A funny thing happened on the road to recovery: Trump’s chief strategist admitted his view of the Trumpian future looks like the Great Depression. Even the world’s largest bank just said global financial default is the preferable way out and most likely way out of the Great Recession […]


Trump’s Mirage of Spending Cuts Will Make America’s Collapse Great

In the first debate, Hillary Clinton called Trump’s tax plan “trumped-up, trickle-down” economics. It’s the one thing that came out of her mouth that I had to entirely agree with. Many others are saying it, too:   New analysis from a nonpartisan group finds that Donald Trump’s latest tax proposals would increase the federal debt […]


Trump Tax Plan Turns the Donald into Trickle-Down King

If George Bush Senior thought Reaganomics was “voodoo economics,” he’d think the Trump tax plan was its kachina doll, and if GB Minor had been smoking weed while popping magic mushrooms when he made his eponymous tax cuts, the Bush Tax Cuts might have come out looking like the Wall-Street tax Fantasia that Trump’s peeps have brewed up — a […]


Trump: Trojan Horse for the Establishment or Mighty Mouth for Mankind?

I crave the opportunity to see an anti-establishment candidate win the election. I would exult in seeing our corrupt establishment shattered. So, while I do not like Trump the man (as it would appear he has never done anything that didn’t entirely serve his own self-interest and pompous ego), I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing him upset establishment Republicans and establishment […]


Entering the Belly of the Epocalypse

Only a couple of weeks ago, I said we were entering the jaws of the Epocalypse. Now we are sliding rapidly down the great beast’s throat toward its cavernous belly. The biggest economic collapse the world has ever seen is consuming everything — all commodities, all industries, all national economies, all monetary systems, and eventually all peace and […]


Has there ever been a more selfish generation?

It’s a good question to ask on the day after Christmas, when we have all used our credit cards to buy gifts for others. In spite of this seasonal gift buying, I think there has never been a more selfish generation. (Regular readers of this blog are excepted because you wouldn’t be reading this contrarian blog if you were […]


The Second Dip of the Great Recession is Coming Soon

When you look at numerous key sectors of the economy, they hang together like the bones of a rickety skeleton. Here is a list in bullet points of some economic bones to pick over. When viewed altogether, they indicate the next dip of the Great Recession is likely near and severe:   “There are more obvious light switches today or […]


Deficits, Debts and Democrats vs Republicans — US national debt in graphs by year and president

As you read this article on Democrats vs Republicans when it comes to who did better or worse with the U.S. national debt, bear in mind that I am an independent voter. I cast my virgin vote for Ronald Reagan. I voted for President George II … but only the first time! After installing Bush […]


Economic Predictions for the Great Recession in 2012

In making 2012 predictions, I cannot do worse than Harold Camping did in 2011. He missed the end of the world entirely — THREE times — yet he still kept his followers and collects millions! He may head a non-prophet organization, but he sure knows how to turn a profit. Let me start by predicting […]


Bushwhacked by the Bush Tax Cuts for the Rich

“Tax the Rich, Tax the Rich!” cry the protestors who occupy Wall Street. Overwhelming social disparity lies at the heart of their cries. Democrats want to correct that inequity by adding more taxes to the rich while conservatives protest against taxing the rich. The result is an impasse in the U.S. when it comes to solving its budget […]


The Tipping Point into Economic Collapse

This week the European bank Dexia was partially nationalized by Belgium because the Fed’s bailout two years ago didn’t work. Belgium and France has already nationalized part of the bank months ago. That essentially amounts to bailout after bailout, now reaching the third round. The large international bank, in other words, is a very sick patient that […]