You Got Trumped! Winning horse in presidential race was Trojan

Trump tax plan trumps the middle class

Has there ever been a bigger or worse April fools joke than the spectacle this month of Donald Trump revealing the manifold ways in which he fooled the multitudes? I sympathize with the many people who hoped for a shot at changing the corrupt political-industrial establishment as they feel their opportunity evaporate around them. Their hopes were the best hope this nation had, but the head-spinning transformation of Trump has turned stomachs to where some of Trump’s most ardent campaign supporters now publicly deem him Traitor Trump. The rest are simply hoping against hope that he is not. Everyone, conservative or liberal, is seriously starting to wonder what happened to Candidate Trump.

This is what April has consistently revealed: If you voted for the Donald because you wanted to end America’s endless wars for regime change and failed attempts at nation building, you got Trumped. If you thought Hillary’s red reset button with Russia was a disaster and so you voted for the orange reset button as a path to peace with Russia, you got Trumped. If you voted for the Tweeter in Chief because he promised to get tough on trade with China, you got Trumped. If you voted for Trump in order to thump Fed Head Janet Yellen; she doesn’t get thumped, but you got Trumped.

Back in September when he was still just Candidate Trump, I wrote an article titled “Trump: Trojan Horse for the Establishment or Mighty Mouth for Mankind?” I knew that pointing out my deep reservations about Trump would cost me readers because I write an anti-establishment blog, and Trump was the anti-establishment candidate of choice. I published the article anyway. It not only cost me readers (from which I haven’t recovered), but it also cost me websites that had been carrying my articles. Such is the pursuit of truth over popularity

Nevertheless, I continued to write on that theme in the months that followed because I believed the warning was important and because I choose to see and describe the world as it is (as best I can) and not how I want it to be. Because I criticize any political party as readily as another, I am often seen as too conservative by liberals and too liberal by conservatives. (I don’t get the benefit of club membership that gains a writer an easy loyal following.) So be it.

Here is some of that article, which is now looking like it was spot on:


I crave the opportunity to see an anti-establishment candidate win the election. I would exult in seeing our corrupt establishment shattered. So, while I do not like Trump the man (as it would appear he has never done anything that didn’t entirely serve his own self-interest and pompous ego), I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing him upset establishment Republicans and establishment Democrats alike. (And, yes, they are “alike,” so let’s just call them “the establishment” because whether they are Republican or Democrat is not relevant; both parties exist to serve the same rich people and themselves either way.)

I’ll even acknowledge that perhaps it takes someone as brazen and blusterous as Trump in order to stand up to such a powerful assemblage of egoists as we have embedded in congress and in the president’s administration, which now rules by decree…. While I have never liked this particular publicity whore, I’d put up with his relentless boasting and forgive his audacious past if it takes that kind of brassy, risk-taking adventurer to find someone with enough spine to stand up to the intimidations of congress…. Whether or not I like him is not important unless it is leading me to see flaws that may mean Trump is not what he makes himself out to be.


From there, I pointed out such character flaws as made me believe Trump would not prove to be what he was making himself out to be. He would let his anti-establishment supporters down hard:


Overturning a vast global establishment is the kind of battle that will take someone with unbelievable tenacity, intelligence, and courage. The opponents are rich, and you can be sure some are willing to kill to keep the status quo that is making them immensely rich (and have killed).

Unfortunately, I have seen often in life that bellicose people are usually nowhere near as brave as they sound. People like Ike, who was strong in war and humble in attitude, are usually the ones with real courage. It is not usually the most blustery people who have the deepest strength to carry through with the right thing for the right reasons, regardless of cost to themselves.

Trump is aptly named for how often he blows his own horn in order to create his own image; but his actions show he backed out of previous presidential races when it was clear they weren’t going to be an easy win after getting lots of publicity for teasing people with the possibility that he’d run. He has also backed out of many  business deals when things got rough, rather than push forward to try to make things work….

It’s his latest political actions that concern me. In the few places where we have seen Trump make actual political decisions so far, his choices have been 100% pro-establishment as I pointed out in a recent article titled “Whirled Politics: Would you rather be Trumped or Pillaried?” I wished very much to see something different than what I am seeing.


The article delineated a number of tell-tale signs that indicated Trump was anything but the anti-establishment candidate he was presenting himself to be. I pointed out, for example, how the Trump horse that was being brought into the city gates was filled with neocons and the Wall Street establishment, and how I believed they would come to own Trump if they didn’t already. The Trump horse was brazenly anti-establishment on the outside, but almost total establishment on the inside.

I concluded my intro to the article with this warning:


Be careful that you don’t believe something just because you want to believe it so badly. That is how the citizens of Troy were conquered in the Trojan war. I’d love to have an anti-establishment candidate roll in, too. Sadly, I don’t think I do…. The time to hold Trump to task is now, not after the establishment makeover turns him into their Trojan Trump card, but while they are trying so that they don’t succeed.


And I closed the article by asking,


Is he force or farce?


April has demonstrated that Trump was either a Trojan horse by design or, in the very least, that his establishment makeover is nearly complete. Before he has even finished his first hundred days as president, President Trump has turned 180 degrees on almost every promise Candidate Trump made, and the couple of times Trump has tried to enact his promises, he has failed “bigly.”

In this final week of April as Trump finishes his first hundred days, I’m publishing a series of daily articles that lays out the huge reversals toward serving the establishment that Trump has already made. As Trump would say, “They’re big! Really big! They’re the biggest reversals you’ve ever seen.” Unfortunately, those turns point consistently to one clear message: “You got Trumped!”

Last week, I wrote about the Korean Missile Crisis, and tomorrow this series will look at how completely owned Trump has become by the military-industrial complex. As one example among several, Trump has revolved on Russia more quickly than I’ve seen any politician spin, just as he did on Hillary, going from “lock her up” to “she’s good people.”

I have to disagree with Guo Rui, the director of the Institute of Northeast Asian Studies, who says President Donald Trump’s domestic troubles should keep him from engaging in a war with North Korea. I think they may be doing just the opposite. There is nothing like shifting the nation to a war footing to shift the national conversation.

Did you notice how suddenly war has consumed the press and congress so that inquests into President Trump’s former relationship with Russia fell instantly to the back pages of the news? Is that what the armada to Korea that never happened, the biggest bomb in Afghanistan, and the $50-million barrage that disabled Assad’s airport for all of half a day were all about? Was Trump acting alone to throw up as much flack as he could to create distraction? Or was this month of military muscle evidence of a Trump deal with the military-industrial complex to get the intelligence community, the Democrats and the McCains and Grahams in the Republican party to back off from their Trump attacks?

We’ll close the week by looking at the degree to which the Trump transformation has caused Trump to lose some of his most ardent and outspoken supporters. While some are sitting uneasily on the fence, hoping for a better turn, others have stated emphatically, “I’m off the Trump train!”


  1. Ping from Craig Mouldey:

    I still think Trump believed what he said during the campaign and was not a knowing plant. When I woke up the day after the election to discover he won, I was quite excited. That lasted about 4 hours until I pondered what he is up against. Then the despair set in. How else are we to understand the constant hysterical attacks from media and congress critters alike as they threw up a wall of resistance to him. As I watched, he kept bringing in more and more CFR/Trilateral people and Goldman-Sachs bankers and it appeared the writing was on the wall. Then he tried to pass off that mess of a rewrite of the health care act as a great bill. Then came the useless attack in Syria without even knowing who was to blame for what was suppose to be a chemical attack by Syrian air force against innocent civilians. And then quickly threatening North Korea who live…..way over there on the other side of the planet and who on any given day would be lucky to have a missile actually get off the ground. And there are still those like Alex Jones spinning the story that Trump hasn’t flipped. He is playing 4D chess to out manipulate the globalist infiltrators he invited into his government. (eye roll) No, I’m afraid, as an amoral person he has decided ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. The myth of America as the shining light on the hill is gone.

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      I’m afraid something like that is right. He may not have been a scheming troll, but he may have believed what he was saying on the same level as any big-mouth believes what he saying. He believes it at the moment because he doesn’t think things through and quickly changes to believing something else if it is expedient to say something else.

      In other words, he says what he knows works for the crowd with a “What the heck, why not” kind of attitude, and if he could actually make that work, he’d be fine with it because, as you say, there is a certain amount of amorality involved — call it “expediency” or “pragmatism” if you want to couch it in better terms.

      Certainly, he was confronted with a wall of resistance that any of us would have a hard time living with from the time he was elected — all the protests, the “not my president” stuff, the people in his own party who voted for Hillary — and you know all of that grows with time as the establishment tries to force you into its mold.

      While it may or may not have been intentional on Trump’s part, the transformation is so obvious that the 4D-chess argument makes me roll my eyes, too. One guy told me Trump is playing 10-D chess. That’s how exaggerated that whole notion is. Believe it if you want, but he doesn’t ever speak with the kind of intellect that goes behind super-dimensional chess. That’s pure fantasy to keep nursing the hope along.

      Trump looks like the kind of champion who is getting the snot kicked out of him — like a strong but fatally slow giant. Someone is putting a fist in his face and making him stagger every time he turns around. Judging from his numerous failures to get his plans approved and operating, he looks like he’s reeling and about to go down.

      And his plan now is to go out on a second tour of post-election victory rallies in order to tell the nation what he has accomplished. Why? Because he needs the constant adulation of the crowds. And because his successes are small enough that they need a lot of national boasting in order to convince people something of significance is really happening.

      • Ping from Craig Mouldey:

        Now it’s 10D chess? (eye roll while smacking my forehead). Someone is in deep denial of what is happening right in front of him. I would not expect a person who is that highly intelligent to act so ‘bigly’ with such bluster as Trump does because such a person is given to thinking, not barking. The difference in conduct between Trump (it’s better to be friends with Russia) and Putin is striking. I watched a clip where Putin sat in a room with a group of business leaders while Russia was having economic trouble. He looks at one guy and says I don’t see your signature on this. Come to me now and sign this. He never raised his voice once, not even when he was calling them all greedy cock roaches. At the end he told them they were going to pay their workers what was owed and the deadline is today. Thank you and good luck.
        Everyone needs to forget the hope inspired by Trumps empty promises are now more of the same. He is even starting to talk about Iran again. But not to worry. He promised no more interventions.

  2. Ping from M. Simon:

    Trump has been Deep State for a long time.

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  3. Ping from Auldenemy:

    Sorry to hear you list readers and other sites posting your articles when you began warning that Trump might well be nothing but hot air. As Oscar Wilde said, ‘Never tell the truth, people much prefer lies’. It is certainly easier to lie our way through life than to try and stick to the rails of truth. The problem with that though is that we then lose all contact with reality and all becomes versions of the very politicians we despise so much for the lies that trip so easily and endlessly from their lips, propelled by their greed and vanity

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      When I started this blog, Obama was president, and so many of the websites that accepted the articles I wrote were sites that were very critical of President Obama. Because Obama was an establishment candidate, my blog articles were as critical of his moves as my earlier newspaper articles had been of Bush’s news. Many of those same websites, though, were strongly supportive of Trump because he was the anti-Obama candidate. As soon as I started pointing out that Trump looked like the establishment’s Trojan horse being sent into the camp of those who felt Obandoned by the establishment, those sites started pulling back.

      As Trump’s true pro-establishment character began to manifest (or as he was groomed into being what the establishment wants, depending on how conspiratorially inclined you are), my writing has become more strongly anti-Trump. Some criticism toward me has been that I am expecting too much for the first hundred days. On the contrary, my concern is not that Trump hasn’t accomplished enough in his first hundred days but that he has accomplished too much … in the wrong direction.

      If, however, I didn’t take the risk of losing websites that carry my writing because I now criticize Trump, my writing would be worthless. I didn’t start writing on this theme because it looked like it would be the most profitable thing I could do, but because it seemed like one of the more important things I could focus on. However, one needs to hold a certain size audience in order to feel that the poorly paying effort is worth the huge amount of time it takes.

      So, that’s where its frustrating when you lose readership because people are no longer hearing what they want to hear because they are so addicted to party lines or simply so sold on the guy they voted for. There are not many who can say like a Trump supporter that I will be quoting in the final article of this series who founded one of his first campaign volunteer networks, “We expect him to keep his word, and right now he’s not keeping his word…. I’m not so infatuated with Trump that I can’t see the facts….”

      Unfortunately, many are either so infatuated with him that they are in denial of the facts, making such rosy-eyed excuses as, “Trump is just far smarter than you and his drawing all of his opponents into a game where he’s got them convinced he’s going there way only to put them all under.” Uh huh. That’s gonna happen. Or they so need to be right that they are having a hard time admitting they were wrong. (To me, I don’t think their wrongness in voting for him is such a failing on their part because people were desperate for someone who would stick up for the middle class and stand up to the establishment. Trump, in all of his brash talk, was doing that. So, there choice was Trump or a socialist named Sanders, and for many of us going socialist was a bridge to far.

      Capitalism cannot be saved by going socialist. That was George Bush’s path when he said he had to give up some of his capitalist ideals in order to save capitalism, but George Bush was never saving capitalism; he was saving capitalists. He was saving his cronies. And what he did was actually turn entirely socialist by socializing all the losses of the big capitalists who had failed, instead of letting capitalism do what it is supposed to do, which is to flush the failures down the toilet.

      So, Sanders was not an option for me. What I see is that Capitalism needs to be saved by being allowed to flush away the dregs like it is supposed to; but American capitalists (and I suppose its true in all countries) are not true capitalists by their ideal. They want to privatize all profits while socializing all losses.

      And that’s why I write this blog: to attack the corruption in the Capitalist system, which is rank and deep (and not truly capitalistic), not to push some socialist agenda, which is what I get accused of by some when I dare to criticize someone like Trump, even though he has socialized his losses via bankruptcy several times over. Bankruptcy has its place, but Trump considers it a form of finance: If I win, I take all the money. If I lose, no big deal; everyone else takes all the losses.

  4. Ping from meetthenewboss:

    I’ve been seeking this and the referenced articles’viewpoints since the beginning of this last election cycle.
    Outstanding. You have most precisely mind-melded my thoughts and concerns to print with incredible acuity.
    Thank you greatly… looking forward to the followups.

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