Clinton Campaign Indicates Wikileaks Election Bombshell Coming

By Michal Reiter (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

When I published my list yesterday of events that were rapidly building up for Hell Week, I left one announcement off the list that was sorely tempting to include because it sounded massive in importance. However, I could only find it on one source, and that source wasn’t reliable (all other sites that mentioned it referenced that same source). Now, however, the Clinton campaign has given me reason to believe a stunning revelation could be coming.

The information I came across yesterday was posted in a forum and was supposedly an announcement by the hacking group Anonymous. It claimed that Anonymous has been working with Wikileaks for several weeks on a release of videos that would be absolutely devastating to the Clintons. (I won’t say what the salacious material was at this point because I don’t want to help spread rumors in case they are as false as seemed likely to me until this morning.) “Anonymous” said it would be released through Wikileaks on Saturday.

Rather than publish the story in advance of the release (in case it was a hoax), I watched regularly through the day yesterday to see if it showed up on Wikileaks so I could, at least, be one of the first to publish the story to my readers if it happened; but it didn’t. So far no hint of such a story has appeared anywhere on Wikileaks’ site. I had three reasons for thinking it was likely a hoax and not including it in yesterday’s article, even though it would have been the biggest headliner on my site this year:


  1. The kinds of things “Anonymous” said the documents and videos would show were so vile that they sounded like whoppers. That always turns on my warning lights, so that I do my best to fact-check such stories before publishing them because I don’t want to gain my own reputation of publishing baloney just because it serves my argument and captures readers through headlines. (I have numerous times here foregone breaking stories that others were accepting all over the internet because my fact-checking made it look unlikely they were true; and I’ve usually been glad later that I didn’t publish them.)
  2. Anonymous has sometimes released real and devastating hacks from major corporations, like the hacks they did on Sony and MIT; but they have also sometimes threatened major releases that never happened. So, they seem to leverage the real stuff they do have in order to create authenticity for other accusations that are complete fabrications just to stir turmoil. (That or others claim to be “Anonymous” just to add authenticity to their hoaxes.)
  3. There is no way of knowing from the forum where “Anonymous” posted that it was actually the infamous hacking group posting there.


But this morning the Clinton campaign communications director made a announcement of her own that makes me wonder if Annonymous and Wikileaks really do have a bombshell of documents and videos that will destroy the Clintons:



Really? Only probably fake? What kind of story is the Clinton campaign trying to get out in front of here? Let’s think carefully about that statement:


  • Campaigns don’t sow seeds of doubt like this unless they are trying to get ahead of a story in order to reduce its impact. (Otherwise, why be the first to raise suspicions?)
  • Of all the millions of documents Wikileaks has published in the past decade, not one document has ever been shown to be fake. Wikileaks’ reputation is as sterling as you can find. So, why claim a Wikileaks story will probably be fake before you even know what the story is and before there even is a story?
  • Few if any people exposed by Wikileaks have dared to even claim Wikileaks documents are fake (because they know they’ll be proven to be liars if they do as there are usually too many emails addresses and names revealed to make it possible to hold a lie together).
  • Many governments want to kill or imprison Julian Assange, Wikileaks’ leader, so he has to live in asylum. These major institutional powers wouldn’t hold such extreme positions against Assange if he was not actually publishing genuine secret documents. They want Assange like hounds on a trail of blood.
  • Assange’s sterling reputation for truth would be destroyed if he suddenly started putting out whoppers about presidential candidates to destroy national elections.
  • The Clinton campaign has not stated any Wikileaks document related to Hillary so far was fake … until now when they only say “probably” and say it ahead of the release so they cannot be accused of lying about it because the release is all hypothetical at this point.
  • The Clinton campaign tacitly admitted all of the Wikileaks emails were true by claiming in a rage that the documents were stolen from Hillary’s server by Russian government hackers. They have made that charge through the highest level of US government, the president of the United States. (Clearly Russians hacking into Clinton’s server could not have found and released documents that weren’t there.)
  • The US government has demonstrated they are real and are vitally important by saying that, if more documents like this come out during the next couple of days as a result of Russian hackers, the US will engage in cyberwar with Russia!


[amazon_link id=”1455568872″ target=”_blank” ]Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate[/amazon_link]


Think about that last point in particular. It now makes sense why the Obama Administration made such an extreme threat in the last two days as to warn Russia that, if any hacking occurs that releases documents this week that interfere with the election, the US will respond with cyberwar against Russia. Why make a massive threat against a nuclear nation and convey it by mainstream media like NBC unless you know one of two things:


  1. Russia really is going to hack the system in a way that mangles the election or has already given hacked documents to Wikileaks that will destroy the Administration’s candidate, and you want to pressure Russia to pressure Wikileaks not to release those documents before the election – or –
  2. A revelation is about to come out via some other hacker that you desperately need to blame on Russia — so desperately that you’d engage in cyberwar to convince the masses that your Russian accusation is real and to distract from the hacked revelation with a bigger event.


I mean, threatening a former superpower with cyberwarfare is major stuff. So, you don’t do it without a big reason. Therefore, one thing is certain: both the Clinton campaign and the Obama administration are very afraid that something massive is about to be revealed by Wikileaks — something so significant that they will risk threatening war to stop it. Since Wikileaks has been so careful to never publish a false document, what is the establishment so afraid Wikileaks might have found? Still think this isn’t Hell Week?

I won’t jump ahead of the facts here by saying there will be a Wikileaks election bombshell. I’m just saying there is certainly a high level of fear in the establishment that there are some truly major things that could come out in the next two days:


  1. Anonymous is threatening an election-turning revelation in videos.
  2. The Obama administration is going to extreme measures to stomp a revelation down before it happens.
  3. The Clinton campaign is now preparing for the contingency that it might happen anyway.


Makes you wonder what it is they think could come out?


Still think this isn’t going to be Hell Week?


  1. Ping from steve jones:

    I hope you are right Dave! I’ve been out of internet range (we may all have to get used to it) in outback Australia. It has been great catching up on your last few posts, and Auld’s comments!

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      Thanks, Steve. We’ll find out soon if I am or not. It actually looks a little less likely with Comey backing away. Not sure what that was about. So important for him to risk upsetting the election about it, then it all turns out to be, as Auld says, “Nothing here. Move along.” Bizarre that he would stir up so much anger among Democrats, having already alienated himself with Republicans, all just to say, “Nope, my bad. Just a bunch of meaningless emails. Been there, done that.” Sees like a good way to make sure that, no matter what candidate wins, you can kiss your career goodbye for having completely enraged both of them. Certainly leaves one scratching his head as to what happened there.

  2. Ping from Auldenemy:

    …..And lo, with less than two days left to go of perhaps the most farcical election in US history, Comey crawls out once again, this time to back track on his statement to Congress two weeks ago that further investigations were taking place concerning emails discovered on Weiner’s laptop that are pertinent to the Clinton email server issue. All of a sudden America – and the world it all but rules over – is told, ‘Nothing to see here folks. Move along!’.

    You couldn’t make this US election up if you tried. What does it say about the state the West is in when a bunch of mainly unelected lunatics are doing their best to turn Europe into a Muslim superstate and over in the US of A an old, loud mouthed billionaire bigot is running against an old, war mongering hag who along with her ex President husband – who just happens to be a serial sex abuser – is using the front of a charity as a pay-to-play scheme for anyone with enough money to, ‘play’, so as to keep adding noughts to her and and her husband’s bank account. Think about it, if this scenario were presented as a serious script for a movie it would be binned. That is exactly where both Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton belong.

    This is what you get when politics becomes completely corrupted by outside, big money interests (mega banks, big corp. world and Arabs awash with billions of oil money). Government ends up in quarantine from any integrity, any honesty, any sense of public service at all. Conning the electorate, lying to the electorate for personal power and enormous wealth has gone from being something abhorrent to being an accepted norm. What should be a counter weight, a free press, is no longer free. Most of the MSM signed up to the Status Quo regime long ago. Most are owned by it! The very fact that the UK is also mired in Pay To Play politics, ditto the EU and that both the UK and EU media are so pro Clinton is absolute proof that the West is run by an oligarchy elite who choose greedy and truly despicable politicians as their perfect puppets. That is why I think the US election will be completely rigged. They will not allow Trump to win. If he somehow does and they discover they can’t lobotomise him they will simply kill him. They won’t blow his brains out as they did with JFK. Things have moved on. He will have a heart attack instead. The Neocons and the oligarchs always ruled and have no intention of resigning anytime soon.

    Watch the S&P500 miraculously recover lost ground tomorrow now that Comey has twice declared Clinton as clean as a whistle.

    Multum In Parvo

    • Ping from Knave_Dave:

      A lot of people were saying (but I don’t know what the evidential basis was) that Comey brought Clinton back into investigation because he faced a mutiny in the FB from hard-working agents who thought he was sweeping their work under the rug. Given this move, one might conclude that a pile of resignations was never the case, as repeating the move would certainly throw the mutineers into full-blown insurrection.

      If, on the other hand, the news was true that there were lots of good agents resigning in the FBI out of anger over Comey’s first failure to recommend indictment of Hillary, then this decision would have been extraordinarily difficult to make because he’d know it would certainly cause all-out rebellion. So, then, you have to wonder what major pressure from above led to his slapping them all in the face a second time to add insult to injury?

      Unless Comey is an idiot, either the info. about a large number of resignations was false in the first place, or there must have been a large amount of pressure to get him to do the same thing all over again. Sure leave you wondering what THE HECK is going on?

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